Moving again!

We have moved again. I think we have been in Idaho for 9 years. I guess it was time to move. Seems like we move every 8-9 years. Weird! We moved from Pocatello, ID to Sandy, UT. It has not been easy by any means. Previous to all of this Greg was laid off from his job. It was close to a year he was not employed for. He finally got a job in SLC and was traveling back and forth, coming home to see us on the weekends.

Suddenly Haden met a friend. Haden has a certain obsession with the group, Avenged Sevenfold. He found some one just like him! They both have Avenged Sevenfold guitars and have both been playing for about a year and half. It is amazing. It is like they were meant to be friends. Now Haden says he is glad he is here and would not move back if we gave him the choice. It didn't take him long to like it around here. Like I said, he is usually a happy and go with the flow kinda kid. I feel much better about it now.
Then there is Valeri. She was pretty upset about it because she has a boyfriend back in Pocatello. She misses him. It is pretty hard on her not to be around him but overall she is doing great too. We have done a lot of traveling back and forth between the 2 places so she has almost seen him more than she did before we left. I still thinks she is much to young to have a boyfriend. He seems like an awesome kid and even brought me a rose when we moved.
Everyone in her school tells her she looks just like Taylor Swift and that she has 'SWAG'. She always looks like a movie star walking out of school. Haden always teases her about her movie star walk, it drives him nuts. Ha ha. The other day she had to get up and sing in theater (which she put off as long as she possibly could) the teacher told her she sings a lot like Adele. She was pretty excited about that. I knew she could do it if she just tried. I am proud of her!!

We are all trying to adjust in different ways. We have a big 4 car
garage that is full of boxes and stuff. This place is not nearly as big
as our last one. I still don't feel quite like it is home yet. Greg
went to see the house today in Idaho and that is partly why I didn't
go. I cannot stand to see it. It just makes me more homesick for it.
Anyway, things are good but crazy.
Anyway that was a short update. Hopefully I will write more so I can get our fun bits of everyday life written down. If you have made it this far, thanks for reading!
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