Well this year has been a heck of a year. Lots of great stuff, lots of crappy stuff and lots of stress!! I don't think I have the energy to go over all of it.
One thing I am happy about is that my guts got so bad I was forced to have a colonoscopy. NOT FUN but it was definitely needed. The doc saw something in there he said he has never seen before. I was so scared for a few days that it was something bad. It turned out to by lymphatic colitis. It causes lots of problems but is really not that big of deal when treated. I now have a pill I take day and night and it is wonderful! I feel so much better I cannot even be thankful enough. Seems like my guts have ruled my life for at least 10 years or more (definitely more, it has just slowly gotten worse til I didn't realize how bad it had gotten). Now I can finally rule them!! I am so happy about this even if I had to go through crap to get there. Colonoscopy prep was like giving yourself the stomach flu on purpose. My stomach didn't appreciate it at all. It was all worth it though. So now I am pro colonoscopy!! And I do not have to have another for 5 years! Yes!!
Taylor did not get to spend it with us so there was a huge gap in the day. He was in the hospital in the mental health wing. It was extremely hard but he needed to be there and now looking back is very glad he went. I think we have him on the right meds and stuff.... FINALLY! I think he appreciates life a little more too since he is not 'locked up'. He absolutely hated that.
Christmas pretty much consisted of an Ipod for Valeri with a case and headphones, a Wii for Haden (he thinks it is extra special cuz it is blue) and some games, and a super nice expensive watch for Taylor. I must admit it is a beautiful watch.
I love this pic of Valeri and Haden. They look like twins! One is just a little smaller than the other!
Here is Taylor and his awesome watch! We had a separate present opening time for him after he got home from the hospital. It was nice to see him open those presents that had been sitting there so lonely! He was also happy to spend New Years with us.
Other things that were given: a 'Kid History' calendar and shirt for Valeri, a nice scale for my kitchen, some tool doodlies for Greg, a mug with Shade on it, and some video sunglasses which Haden refuses to wear, some remote control helicopters, socks and wallet from my mom, and some awesome bread pans!
Later we went to my sisters Wendys house where we always have lasagna, bread sticks and lots and lots of goodies! We had a gift exchange and had a bunch of laughs which is always the best part!
I recieved the coolest Bosch Mixer cover from Cassie. I told her I need something to cover my new mixer and she whips something up really fast with Watermelons on it to match my kitchen. That girl is too smart! Love it. I need to get a pic of it.
Here are the boys (Haden and Jaren) with Cassie and Curtis. How in the world did they get so big? I definitely think there is some cousin alikeness in there. They almost look like they could be brothers. Taylor fits in pretty good too. It is just weird to see them all grown up. And can I say that Cassie always looks too cute in her pics! Blech! Not fair. Ha ha.
Anyway, that was a short excerpt of Christmas at the Butikofers house! Christmas went by in such a whirl I cannot believe it is over already. I am not ready for my kids to go back to school tomorrow.... or am I? Ha ha. I will miss them and Greg while they are at school and work. I wish they could be home all the time. Then again my house would always be a disaster if they were always here. It has to get cleaned sometime!! Here is a to a Happy New Year in 2012!
Holy SHIT! What is this?! A POST?! hee hee Love ya!