I know it has been a month since I have written. I am gonna get better at this... I promise! Well.. seems like lately.. thanks to Valeri... our lives have revolved around Robert Pattinson and Twilight. I have posted a picture she has taken with her camera of her and a poster in her room. Believe me... there are many more like it! This is only one of a million of her and 'Robert'. Ha ha. She is so funny.. whenever her eyes come out black in a picture (like this one) she gets exctied and says she has vampire eyes. She also plays with her eyebrows to make them look 'vampiresh'.... like in the picture below. She also enjoys the fact that her skin is 'pale white'. She is such a funny girl! She is obsessed.. it is so funny.
We have been to see the movie 3 times and it seems like Valeri is constantly watching him on YouTube. The boys are getting quite irritated with her! They finally got to see the
Right now we are both starting on the 4th book, Breaking Dawn. I have to read it before Valeri cuz I hear there are some parts that she cannot read. She is dying for me to read it quickly though. I like to read books a little slower though and enjoy them... where Valeri has been devouring them (literally.. like Robert Pattinsons says with a British accent) in 2 days. We also have my mom into the books and right now she is on the 2nd one.
Anyway... that is all about Twilight. I wonder how many more times we will see it before it is out of the theater. :) Oh dear.. I wonder how many times Valeri will watch it when it comes out on DVD!!
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