Haden had to try out for an older team this year since he is now in the Pony league. All of his teammates seem so big!! Everything about this bigger team is different... the size of the players.. the speed of the balls... everything! When we first started with this team they brought out a trophy from last year and said they were the champions for 2 years in a row! The coaches said it was all about winning which scared me a little... cuz I think it is about a lot of other things.. least of all being the winning... although that part is nice too. So far they have played about 10 games and lost every single one of them! Surprise! Haden is discouraged but I guess in its own way this is also a life lesson... it will teach him to keep going and trying no matter what. I am very proud of him for this because this is exactly what he is doing. He is a little discouraged that he is only playing right field this year but I told him that is to be expected since he moved up to an older team and he is one of the least experienced players... things will be different next year and he will be able to try more positions. Last year he was able to play all the out field positions. He really wants to play a base... that is his goal. He did get to play a base one time this year. He has gotten to the point that no matter where he is he always has to have a mitt and bat with him. It is pretty cool. He was very excited. I spoiled him a little the other day and bought him a nice bat with my ebay money. Now his whole team is jealous of it and uses it everyday... he barely has time to practice with it. At least we know it is a good bat... just wish he could use it sometimes... I keep joking that he needs to tell them they need to play rent on it. Ha ha.. Haden is a great player considering he never had even picked up a baseball or bat before 2 1/2 years ago. A few more years go by and he is gonna be an expert. I just regret not starting him earlier since he loves it so much. We bought a pitching net and boy has he been practicing! One good thing about his team... he has always wanted to be a "pirate" that is what his team is this year... the pirates!!!
Valeri has also decided to try fast pitch softball this year. It is her first year ever! Leave it to Valeri to have it be her first year and she gets picked as a pitcher! Wow! She is amazing! She is talented at so many things.... and so gutsy! :) Her team has only won 1 game this year. Most of her teammates this is their first year also so she has a pretty new team. THey are getting better and better all the time though. It is awesome to watch them improve every game. V

Taylor has fininshed his driving instruction class and now has his permit to drive with adults. It seems so strange that he is old enough to do this. It seems like I was a a lot older than him even though we were the same age. Amazing the different perspectives an adult and teenager have! We went on his last drive with him. He was so proud of himself and we were proud of him. So far he has driven to Utah, Idaho Falls and around tow